We are reaching the end of our first week of the New Year. The shimmer and shine of the voices in our head that dream and hope for new opportunities is struggling to survive against the negative and discouraged voices that tell us nothing has really changed, that this year will be no different and that resolutions are dumb anyway. Which voice… Read More
Lessons from Scrooge
This Friday and Saturday the play John and I have been thinking about and dreaming about for over a year will finally happen. A Christmas Carol has been a long time favorite of John’s for years and he even played Bob Cratchit in a previous version for several years. So when we decided it would be a good idea to… Read More
A Day of Gratitude, A Life Grateful
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. `Denis Waitley In the midst of great despair, at a time when I could find no light at the end of the dark tunnel that had become my complicated life, I discovered an amazing truth. No… Read More