“Whosoever is present are the right people to be there; whenever we start, it’s always the right time, what happens is the only thing that could have happened; when it’s over, it’s over.”
Harrison Owen, author of “Leadership Is” on the immutable laws of the spirit.
But what if???
If only I had…..
I shoulda…woulda…coulda…
Backtracking through our minds and days, beating ourselves up over what we could have said, what we should have done, what we wish we could do-over.
The tossing and turning in our sleep. The reruns on the turntable of our mind. Rewriting the scripts in our heads. The-if only I had saids…
How we wish we could learn how to turn it all off. How we wish for the solice that doesn’t come. How we hope for the second chances to do it better.
Save me O God!
The water is up to my neck;
I am sinking in mud and there is no solid ground;
I am out in deep water, and the waves are about to drown me.
I am worn out from calling for help, and my throat is aching.
I have strained my eyes, looking for your help.
Psalm 69 1-3
How can you start over? How can you begin fresh? How can today be the first new day if all the yesterdays are piled so high that you can’t see around them?
Take a deep breath. Shhhhh. Listen again: Focus on the words…
“Whosoever is present are the right people to be there; whenever we start, its always the right time, what happens is the only thing that could have happened; when its over, its over.
Trust and Faith. Standing in the moment and having faith, trusting that God and the universe has a plan. Or at the very least the powers that be can take hold of a bad situation and use it for the good of all. But we have to play our part. We have to trust enough to let go. We have to have faith enough to believe that when we give it up, when we let it be over…for good, then doors and windows open for new opportunities.
It becomes the right time. The right people show up. The thing that happened becomes the only thing that could have happened because it became the road that leads to the moment that becomes right.
Brain teaser isn’t it? But trust me, it works. A heck of a lot better then being up to your neck in regrets and reruns that run circles in your head and take you nowhere.
The mysterious thing to me is that it often starts with the end first. When it’s over, its over. You have to end before you can begin. You have to stand in the moment empty and be ready to receive what is the right thing for you.
Who knows, maybe it’s different for every one.
That’s what works for me. How does it work for you?
How do you let go and move on?