I am doing a 21-day morning meditation with Oprah and Deepak Chopra. If you want to start a meditation practice, this one is free, easy to get into and very inspiring. Give it a try. On Day Six, Oprah begins the Daily Message with the following message, “Each one of us is a radiant spiritual being, as we were created, exactly as you are.”
I opened my eyes, pressed the stop button and just sat there for a few moments. I allowed that message to soak into my cells, filling me with its truth. I am radiant. I am a spiritual being. I was created, perfectly, exactly as I am.
I am a Radiant Spiritual Being.
And so are you.
I got to thinking, it is so easy for me to see the radiant spiritual being in you. When I look at you- yes, you– I can see God in your eyes, in your heart, in the way you try to do better, and in the way you want so much more for the world. How your heart aches for the pain of the world. In the way you love.
Do I look in the mirror and see God in me?
Do you?
What if every single time we looked at each other, or in the mirror, we saw Radiant Spiritual Beings instead of judging our flaws, picking at our imperfections, and dragging out the list of all the things we need to do before we like ourselves or each other? Can you imagine what our world would be like if we committed to see each other this way? If we saw right through the differences, the religious and the political, the financial and the society expectations, and saw only our sameness as Radiant Spiritual Beings?
I would instantly love you, and you- me, and the energy around us would lift until the vibration was so incredible that…well, honestly I can’t even imagine it. How bright and amazing it would have to be, wouldn’t it?
All from seeing ourselves as the TRUTH that we actually are.
Will you try it with me? If you do, tell me about your experiences in the comments. I want to know how it feels for you to go about your day looking at a world full of Radiance.
Say it with me. Out loud.
We are Radiant Spiritual Beings.
Yes. We. Are.