At my desk in front of me is a never been used, fresh box of 64 different brilliant non-toxic Crayola Crayons with the built-in sharpener. I store them in my equally brilliant Crayola crayon box that has pictures of happy animated smiling crayons on the cover and a white rectangle name-tag space that says THIS BOX BELONGS TO: and I… Read More
Keeping Your True Colors
“Whatever anyone does or says, I must be emerald and keep my colour.” ~Marcus Aurelius, Meditations. At four, I sat among the rocks in the rock garden while my family waited inside to celebrate my birthday. Gazing at the piercing blue sky, I was overcome for the first of many, many moments of thinking, “I am running out of time… Read More
Guilt or Happiness, You Choose!
But I feel Guilty!! Guilt or Happiness, your choice, but you can’t have both. Think about that. Have you ever been happy while flogging yourself with the guilty whip? But I can’t help it! Every time I try to sneak off and take time for me, there is this little voice that says I should be taking care of someone… Read More