“Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax. If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.” ~Osho I am a creator. A life where I am not creating—new words, books, art, projects, recipes, gardens, photography, and helping clients and friends design their own creative lives—is… Read More
We Are the Human Spirit
I used to be a runner. Not much of a runner, but a runner, just the same. Due to a bad back and asthma, I was a plodder, happily keeping pace with the other five and six-hour runners as we crossed the marathon finish line with red faces and exhausted bodies, despite the warnings from well-intentioned friends who thought my back would… Read More
Why I Shooed Away Jehovah Witnesses At My Door
I have a confession to make that will shock some of you who have an image of me as a loving, kind person who cares about everyone and wouldn’t hurt a bug. Last week, two sweet little old ladies, dressed impeccably, rang my doorbell in the middle of the afternoon, holding their Bibles and wearing expressions of loving, gracious smiles on their cherubic… Read More