I watched the movie, The Green Mile, the other day. I’ve seen it before, it’s one I’ve watched a few times, and I know I’ll watch several times again. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it, but if you are like me, and get squeamish over violence, understand that The Green Mile is the last walk that death row inmates take… Read More
Chalkboards and Big Erasers
I went to school during the age of wall to wall chalkboards and hand size erasers that were slammed together repeatedly at the end of the day to pound out clouds of chalk dust. My younger children laugh at me when I bring this up. “Oh mom, you’re so old…. that’s so funny, no one has that anymore… what a… Read More
What I Want For My Children…
I have many hats, many labels. I am a business owner, a coach, a writer, a friend, an artist, a foodie, a photographer, an active member of my church and community, and a wife. Those are only a few of my life ambitions. I am also a daughter, a sister, a student, a gardener, a dog owner… And a Mom…. Read More