I have many hats, many labels. I am a business owner, a coach, a writer, a friend, an artist, a foodie, a photographer, an active member of my church and community, and a wife.
Those are only a few of my life ambitions.
I am also a daughter, a sister, a student, a gardener, a dog owner…
And a Mom.
It has been said by me, and about me, from people who know me well, above all things, I am a Mom first.
It could be because I started out young in my journey as a mother, at sixteen, when my friends were out at parties, I was rocking my baby girl to sleep. Thirty six years later, I have four of them, all grown or mostly grown now, but still, always still, my babies.
All my babies were here last night, the grown ones, and the almost grown ones, and the grandchildren. We ate spaghetti and salad and chocolate cake, and laughed and talked and shared stories about times gone by. Memories they have, both good and bad.
But there was one thing they all agreed on, in the midst of the laughter and jokes. We have a good family. We love each other. My children are friends with each other. they support and help each other when there is a need. And we come together for good times and make fun memories.
After they left last night, I took in the precious quiet and my lingering thoughts.
I thought about how fast 36 years of being a mom has gone by. I remembered challenging times- usually marked by blood or stitches- and I remember moments when I was so proud of them, that I thought I could burst right out of my skin.
I thought about my job as a mom. I thought about the goals I have for them. And what I want for all of them.
What I Want For My Children
I want my children to grow up with questioning minds. Minds that can discern good from evil,discern folly from wisdom and can see between the lines of those that would take advantage of them or use them for ill-gotten gain.
I want them to see the big picture, and take action on the small steps that it takes to get us there with courage and determination.
I want them to be independent and not fall on the easy path of letting others carry the load of the hard choices. Because unless you own your journey, you can’t predict where you will end up. I want to help them them grow confident in their own path, not teach them that they need me, or anyone, to make life easier, happier or more joyful.
I want them to see God in action throughout all of life. To understand that love – God- is action, listening, caring, forgiving, accepting, graciousness, gratitude and kindness.
I want them to be grateful. Not just for the victories, but for the challenges as well, because these are the moments in life that strengthen us, shape us and determine our greatness.
I want them to be positive, creative members of a world where they feel commissioned to make it better than they found it.
I want them to laugh, know joy, happiness, the power of family and above all, the amazing feeling of making a positive difference in the lives of others.
I want them to be true to their own story, their own gifts and their own authentic journey.
I want them to have courage to make the hard choices, and to take the important steps to a life meant just for them.
I want them to be kind. Kind to friends, family, strangers and most importantly, themselves.
And…I want them to know that every day of their lives, they have been so loved and have been a miracle and a joy to me.
And the most important mission of my life.