Those of you who have been long time followers of Life’s Little Inspirations may know by now that one of my major passions in life is the concept of Community.
Unfortunately, in the blogging world, I worry sometimes that the word community may get a bit watered down as we use that word to mean our own little group of conversationalists who sit around and chat and joke and carry on around the blogosphere water cooler. And while that is precious to me and I adore all of you, the word COMMUNITY has a much larger and much more powerful meaning to me.
To me, the concept of community is a place full of hope and passion and responsibility and love for each other. It is a word that means family, friendship, brotherhood and taking care of one and another. A word that means responsibility, teamwork, caring and love. Looking out for each other. Being a part of something. Never being alone. Sharing. Not letting each other down. Being my brother’s keeper. Doing my part for the good of everyone else.
I have a vision of being a part of a world community. In THAT Community, the members would look out for each other and care for each other as one giant family. People wouldn’t isolate themselves to their *own* kind and only help those who shared their own beliefs or their own physical features. We would finally understand that we ARE all one, that we share beating hearts that love, and blood that bleeds, hands that can help and heal.
We CAN end poverty in our lifetime. We can end it by becoming the family and community that we are capable of being if we join together. If we can share the vision that we are so much more then the petty differences that keep us apart. We can end poverty If we can learn to search for the common ground of what is good in each of us and search for the love inside of each other by listening and caring and building each other up. No more tearing each other apart, no more hunting for the negative side, we need to learn to be hands that heal, hands that help, hands that feed, hands that teach. Then…we will be hands that end poverty.
As bloggers, we are already one step closer. We have already torn down the barriers that divide us. We have begun to create the communities here on our blogs. With wonderful awareness events such as Blog Action day we can shine a light on poverty, suffering, hunger and other social issues that need our attention if we will only use the amazing power that we have as bloggers and writers to make a difference.
One of my favorite women is Mother Teresa. She dedicated her life to fighting poverty. Even now, she continues to inspire countless people in the fight against poverty. It seems fitting to let her words speak today to inspire us to make a difference when it feels like nothing we can do will even make a dent in the struggles that we all face together.
Do It Anyway~Sign In Mother Teresa’s Office
People are unreasonable,
illogical, and self-centered,LOVE THEM ANYWAY
If you do good, people will
accuse you of selfish,
ulterior motives,DO GOOD ANYWAY
If you are successful, you win
false friends and true enemies,SUCCEED ANYWAY
The good you do will
be forgotten tomorrow,DO GOOD ANYWAY
Honesty and frankness
make you vulnerable,BE HONEST AND FRANK ANYWAY
What you spent years building
may be destroyed overnight,BUILD ANYWAY
People really need help but
may attack you if you help them,HELP PEOPLE ANYWAY
Give the world the best you
have and you’ll get kicked
The world needs us, all of us, to make a commitment to live as a loving community dedicated to world peace without hunger. Will you join this world community? How can you help?