Welcome to our new home here at Life’s Little Inspirations. Isn’t it exciting? I feel as if I am walking around in my socks in a great big lighthouse mansion on the hills overlooking the ocean. Right now there are lots of empty rooms and so much open space that it seems like there is no way it will ever be filled up. There is lots of room to grow. Everything won’t be unveiled in a day or a week or even in a month so we will continue to shape and evolve and grow step by step into the space of our new home.
If you like the new design as much as I do, stop by and tell the Men with Pens because that stunning lighthouse and this website is the brainchild of Harrison McLeod and I couldn’t be happier with the work he and James did here. I did promise that I wouldn’t suffer from failure to launch syndrome so we are up and running while the paint dries and before we get all the furniture in and curtains up.
I am the great believer in baby steps after all. I don’t believe in waiting until everything is perfect because perfect isn’t coming. I have a lot to learn and I will continue to grow and learn and evolve just as I have been doing, right along side the rest of our community! One step at a time and the first step is to open the doors and welcome you all in so we can get back to the business of posting on the blog and keeping in touch!
As far as the future goes here, the first thing that you can expect is that our past will remain intact. I will continue to post at the same rate and with the same schedule as I did before at the old place. Our theme and the focus of what we are all about will stay the same as well. Making a positive difference in the lives of others is still my passion and my primary number one focus. Writing and sharing inspirational messages and insights to help people on their path will still be my number one goal.
So what will be new? The new site allows me the ability to expand into a website that also showcases additional resources and opportunities. In addition, I will be able to highlight services that will become availiabe to those who are interested or in need of them. I am also excited to share that I am working on the book verson of Life’s Little Inspirations, which will be available here as well.
Some of this will come soon, some in awhile, baby steps and long term goals are my map to success but rest assured, my passionate goal is posted where we all can see it every day and I will be heading toward it with radar focus. CAN, WILL and BELIEVE!
PS. Don’t forget to subscribe here at the new address so you don’t miss anything. I am so glad to be making this journey with all of you.
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