I suck at multi-tasking. For me it means dishtowels end up in refrigerators, butter ends up in the dishwasher, the keys are god-only-knows-where, dinner is burned and I suddenly wake up from a creative coma to discover I’ve been driving down some road and have no idea where I even am. Whoever came up with this godforsaken idea that our… Read More
Sometimes I Yell.
Part of my Authentic Self is that I Yell. Sometimes I use swear words too. Not as a general rule, and if I’m using them, it’s a good idea that your feet should be running in the opposite direction, but yes, they have in fact been known to exit my mouth on occasion. It’s also part of my authentic self… Read More
The Zen of Creation
“Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax. If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.” ~Osho I am a creator. A life where I am not creating—new words, books, art, projects, recipes, gardens, photography, and helping clients and friends design their own creative lives—is… Read More