When I was coming of age into my teen years, my oh-so-wise mother sat me down for THE Talk. Only my mother didn’t want to talk about birds…or bees. She wanted to talk about jewelry. And value. And why some things were valued more than others. She talked to me about things that were common. About how if they… Read More
The Cage of Fear
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” ~Admose Redmoon Have you ever felt emotionally trapped? Ever felt stuck? Ever felt like you are held in a pattern of procrastination with no way to escape? I know I have. I can safely raise my hand to every single one… Read More
Who Am I Now?
I have seen my future and my future is NOW. ~ Wendi Kelly Last year around this time, I began a weekly ritual called the Sunday Summit, a planning exercise recommended by my coach, Christine Kane. Quite simply, the purpose of the Sunday Summit is a weekly ritual designed to help you celebrate your past week’s accomplishments and determine your… Read More