watch?v=9doqLZdSQfQ A few weeks ago, my husband and I were chilling out with a glass of wine and some good KFOG streaming through the computer, (It’s a San Francisco Radio station) when a particular song came on that I haven’t heard in years. It’s called Shimmer and is sung by Shawn Mullins.
I started to cry.
I got up, (when the song was over) and went to my computer and wrote up these words on my Facebook status:
I want to shimmer, I want to shine, I want to radiate, I want to live, I want to love, I want to learn to never hate. I want to be the woman that Shawn Mullins sings about in this song. This is the Authentic ME I Choose and Strive to be. Is there a song that defines your true self?
I Can’t Get the Song out of My Mind
More importantly, I can’t let go of the words I wrote on Facebook. I want to Shimmer. I want to Shine. I want to Radiate. I want to LIVE, I want to LOVE, and yes, oh so importantly…I want to learn to never hate.
This isn’t a passing thought. I have always loved the song, but right now, at this moment in time, with PASSION being my word of the year, it is becoming my mission statement of who I am choosing to be.
As a result of these words grabbing hold of my heart and head and hanging on so tightly, I have spent the last week or so muddling around in my head about what it means- exactly– for me to shimmer, shine, radiate, live, love and never hate.
The first thing that came to mind was a conversation I had with my mom in my formative teen years. You can read about that here.
It was all about Treating Myself like a Diamond.
Have I been?
Have you?
Probably not as much as we want to. I know I didn’t have to search long or hard in my soul to come up with the answer that I could do better.
So this week I’ve been exploring what it is REALLY gonna take to treat myself like the diamond I am, and shimmer, shine and radiate.
What makes me Shimmer and Shine?
- I shimmer and shine when I have high, positive Energy.
This one has been a struggle for the last month or so.My energy has been erratic and I have struggled with fatigue. Why am I tired? I somehow lost my habit of going to the health club every morning and the weight had been creeping back on, the back pain had gotten worse and due to that- sleep has been compromised. In order for my energy to stay at its best, I must follow my work-out plan, eat healthy in good portions, limit alcohol, and go to bed early. (PS…I’m on it, my accountability partner, Wynn, is helping me to be faithful to getting to the gym every morning. Thanks Buddy!).
- I shimmer and shine when I am not Rushed.
Why do I get rushed? There are a few reasons. I sometimes forget to plan ahead, pack up the items needed for the next day and lay them out, look at my planning calendar ahead of time or keep my life organized and clutter-free. I’ve been doing better with this one though, I call it my Serenity Secret.
- I shimmer and shine when I am Authentic.
I work on this one every day, but this is a journey not a destination. Like all of us, I have my great times and my challenged times. I excel in this category when I check in with Inner Spirit and ask,”How are you feeling, What do you want or need?” I do better when I get quiet and still and listen to the answers that my Spirit provides. I do great when I don’t expect the world to guess what I want. I ASK FOR HELP. I’m not a martyr. I smack it out of the ball park when I can stay Present and live Wide-Awake at all time.
- I shimmer and shine when I am grateful.
When I take the time to soak in the blessings, beauty and love that is all around me, when I speak with words, and write on paper my daily gratitudes, and acknowledge the wonder and miracle of life that I have been given, my heart and spirit expands to allow the universe (God) to shine through and use me as the Vessel of Light in the world that I want to be.
- I shimmer and shine when I practice Grace.
Practicing Grace is living in a place where forgiveness isn’t even necessary most of the time because I accept people, ( including myself) just where they are at, in the walk, at this very moment in time. I don’t take things personally, I don’t seek revenge for wrong-doings, I simply allow everyone the room to grow and evolve at their own pace. I remember that this is a journey and we are all walking our paths alone, and together.
I want to continue this exploration about what it REALLY takes for me to be my best. And I want to do better on the ones I’ve identified. Seeing them in a list for me, helps to give me clarity about what is TRULY important in my life and highlights where I should be spending my time and energy. What about you? What do you need to shimmer and shine? I’d love to hear your thoughts so we can grow this list.